ACE Registration Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions 2022

As the ACE Member or Parent/Guardian of a minor playing for ACE in the 2024 season, I agree to abide by the Club's Constitution and By-Laws and Codes of Conduct Policies. I am aware of that I, or my daughter/son, may be taking risks of playing netball with a pre-existing medical condition.

As we do not discourage you or your daughter/son to play other sports, we do remind you this is a ‘team’ sport were players rely on your attendance for fixture games and training sessions.

Junior/ Inter Club Carnival
11 - 15yrs**
**PRNA sides - J4, J3, J2,J1, Inter1-5
**External sides - 15yo of moderate to weak
competition only otherwise please enter Inters Club
Round 11 - Monday Night Winter 2024
Round 11 - Saturday's Winter 2024
Round 12 - Monday Night Winter 2024
Modified 7,8,9 Players Presentation
Entire Calendar...Platinum SponsorsGold Sponsors
Albany Creek PhysiotherapyPhone 07 3264 3244
Bronze Sponsor